Support legal assistance funding in the state budget,” By Ovide Lamontagne and Jack Sanders, Union Leader, May 29, 2017

Because our state leaders recognize the common-sense investment in civil legal aid, New Hampshire has long had strong bipartisan support for New Hampshire Legal Assistance. …Civil legal aid is how our country fulfills our promise of “justice for all.” We ask you to call your state legislators and state senators to share this message with them: NHLA is a good investment for our state.”.

In support of Legal Services,” By Brad Cook, NH Business Review, June 9, 2017

“…Millions of people in the United States every year show up in court unprepared, unaware of the process or their rights, and seeking to represent themselves, “pro se,” since they have no other option… Members of the New Hampshire bar have been heroic in taking on such cases, but the need is staggering. Those wishing to support the effort should visit”

Low-income women need access to justice” by Sen. Martha Fuller Clark Portsmouth Herald, Aug. 31, 2017

“…We know that when a society supports women, life improves for children. And we know that when women’s basic needs for safety and security are met, business needs are met, as they are able to show up and focus on their work. So when legal aid helps women, it helps children, it helps employers, it helps all of us.”

Reverse mortgages lead to sharp uptick in seniors seeking foreclosure help from legal assistance,” By Gretchen Grosky, Union Leader, September 18, 2017

“Stephanie Bray, director of the Foreclosure Relief Project, said the percentage of people 60 and over needing legal help with foreclosures has more than doubled, to 78 percent of their clients in the last year.” Tax bills will be coming out in November and she urges homeowners to look now at their community’s senior tax discounts or deferment programs.